What we do ElectrifyHR provides the expertise and tools you need to thrive in today’s ever-changing employment landscape. From creating or auditing employee handbooks to dealing with PAGA claims, ElectrifyHR is your trusted partner for all your HR needs. Training: Employee training and managerial development Case-management as a tool for sparking excellenceSexual harassment HR Department Setup: Turning employee/HR interactions into a problem-spotting tool Employee handbooks (creation, auditing and rollout)Personnel surveys Implement performance management software Job descriptions (create and reassess on ongoing basis) Compliance Solutions: Review of paycheck stubs to prevent PAGA claims for wage and hourExempt classification analysis Put in place policies and practices to reduce legal risk Designing and implementing case management Crisis Management: PAGA Claims Investigations Litigation by employeesResolving Personnel Conflicts HR Consulting: Onsite or phone consultations Schedule a free consultation to discuss your HR needs. Let’s talk.